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I wish to reach my full potential with this character and the only way to do so is to train harder and learn more about him for a more advanced level of play. I was wondering if anyone could give advanced strats and/or combos on this rarely used character. __________________ *beta* IP: Logged g_ngan ^@^ Sky ^@^ Posts: 211 Registered: Jun 2001 Location: Hong Kong Posted: September 5th, 2001 11:34 AM um....i use Omega red,sent,doom~ both of the assist helps me to rush~ and i do normal combos like,(fireball with kick)forgot the name~sorry cuz the arcade i play in has high damamge...after this's like almost half of the life bar....~ this chips...and builds up meter for the next character~ and use this j.HP a lot~cuz it's really annoying~when my friend uses him very good~ also....after an aircombo with Carbonadium Coil ...and throw them up~ after that...air-dash forward,qickly after,do another carbonadium...and your opponent won't know which way to block...if done should be right at the bottom of your opponent...~ __________________ IP: Logged Cycloid Beta Member Posts: 82 Registered: Jul 2001 Location: Posted: September 5th, 2001 01:34 PM Thanks g_ngan. I know it'll take some luck to have someone whose an above average to expert Omega red player post somethin so I'll just deal with anything that'll help improve my technique. So, anyone else wanna lend a helpin hand? __________________ *beta* IP: Logged BshidoHEAT The Filipino Battousai Posts: 298 Registered: May 2001 Location: In orlando, taking classes at VCC (west) Posted: September 5th, 2001 05:12 PM OR HELP? I can help ya! Omega Red Guide By Bushido HEAT!!! Why use Omega Red? -The question everyone should ask themselves when they decide to choose a charater. Well, OR is a GREAT point man. He builds meter VERY well, some even say that he's probably the BEST meter builder in the game. (Which is true in some cases) Anyway.. that is probably the best reason to use him, but he is good at another thing, (which people fail to realize) and that is breaking traps. I'll go into that later... Other things that people don't realize is that, Omega Red takes VERY GOOD DAMAGE (he takes very little so it's good for the person using him I mean) he takes less damage than Doom, and probably a little more than Blackheart. Moves that you should note. - Know this section well, OR will depend on most of these moves. -Burrowing Coil. (any down posistion and HK) probably the most important move in breaking traps, and in his across his screen combo. (DF.HK, Omega Strike) Note that you can punish a Cable that is using ground VB's with this. Also, you'll be using this to punish assist when you don't want to use a lvl for an Omega Destroyer. (Also use this in conjuction with Omega Strikes to play keep away) -Omega Strike. No doubt that you know this move. It's comboable ANY where from the ground, and you can hit from 3 posistions. Also you can cancel it back by hitting (B.K) or you can stop where you are with a (D.HK). There are many uses for this. 1. A dashin stopper. 2. A triangle jump/jumpin stoper. 3. An assist punisher (just cancel back really quick if your aiming for an assist) 4. you can sorta triangle jump with the HK verson of it, just O.Strike then cancel down, and other uses (such as breaking the Doom/BH trap). -J.FP (Coil Fury). A great jump in manuever, it does good damage and it hit 6 times, in the corner you can connect it, and throw a coil down and drain again. -Omega Destoyer. A decent assist punisher, pretty useful against teleporters too, it covers the whole screen with his coils and where ever they appear they will get hit. I find this most useful against Spiral. Don't use this TOO much against people with quick beam supers (Cable) because he can nail you as your recovering. So basically, it's safe against mostly none of the top tiers except Magneto who can only fire back a EM Distruptor. -J.WP. Very good air-to-air priority, and I use this to jump in as well. Other moves, you'll find out there usefulness as you play. What assist? Well, I personally use the AAA, because the "hey you never know when your going to need a variable counter xx Carbinum Smasher" theory. Their that or the ground assist (which is good with combos and stuff) The throw assist is just to slow for me... Good teams.. I like my avatar team avatar, if your going with OR, the format that you should use for your team is battery/user/assist. Well, who could you use that uses alot of meter?? Heres a good list... CABLE Storm Strider Sent Iron Man (if you don't want to go for that infinate) How about assist? Since Omega can't combo his supers alone, it would be nice to have an assist that allows you to do so. A few come to mind... Cycke (AAA) Psy (AAA) Iron Man/War Machine (Pro) Or one that helps OR chip. Sent (Ground) Doom (AAA) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- He gets OWNED BY CABLE!! No, actually he doesn't. The same is true with MANY underrated charaters, people who don't know how to use them ALWAYS SAY THE BOLD STATEMENT ABOVE. So how do you fight Cable? Well, you rush his ass down, but don't use alot of moves with OR that you would use against anyone else because Cable can AHVB most of OR's moves. But I find just SJ'ing and air dashing (watch out for those AAA's though) and droping on Cables head with a WP, or FP very good. Also, you have to see what kind of assist that he has, if he has someone like CapCom, or Cyclops, (an AAA that doens't track) turtle. OR can beat him in close range combat. Taking a gamble. NOTE: I haven't tried these but you can if you have the balls. If your playing Cable, and your assist is cought in the AHVB what do you do? Well, if your close to Cable, you can try to O.Strike right after the first AHVB. Althought I haven't tried it, you might be able to stop the AHVB with his burrowing coil (D.HK) IF TIMED RIGHT!!! The burrowing coil is very open to the AHVB, and for you to do it, it will either have you either put the joystick towards Cable or straight towards the ground. If you do decide to try the burrowing coil, I suggest that you wait until the AHVB is ALMOST done (around the 30 or 35 mark) then you should do it, but I HAVEN'T TRIED IT so it's hazardous to Omega Red's health. OR vs. The most verstile person in the game.. (storm) Omega Red, DOES NOT LOSE TO STORM!!! Actually, Omega Red, fears Cable far more than Storm, because Storm cannot punish like Cable can. Anyway.. some strats. Against a runaway Storm- If she starts to throw typhoons, SJ and catch her with a j.LP, and combo her into a coil, drain, and THROW HER DOWN TO THE GROUND. You don't want her to go up top to the screen again. If Storm runs away and doesn't throw typhoons, your free on the ground and build meter of your own, send out your assist, press the start button, whatever... You can TRY to SJ, and catch her with a coil, but it's most likely not going to happen. Against Rushdown Storm- Use the Straight up O.Strike to stop her triangle jump, and the straight O.Strike to stop dashin's. If your close to each other, use OR's crouching jab, it has great priority and reach, and can beat out Storms crouching WK. The REAL OR killer(s) OR's most hated match is against BLACKHEART, it will be very hard for OR to go against his demons and he can't easily aviod his Inferno xx HOD. The best thing to do is try to wavedash under BH and do a quick HK O.Strike, but even though that connects, BH will recieve little damage and probably laugh at him. Sentinal/BH/CapCom trap, OR cannot excape this trap, his D.HK will not break Sents super armor, and if you try to O.Strike, you'll most likely meet with the HSF. If you ever find yourself against this trap, and have no other charaters, well... try to find a way to sneak in a O.strike, that goes though hyper armor.. good luck... The rest of the top tier mini guide Magneto- Try to keep him away, I find Doom's AAA very good against Magneto. Try jumping back, and pressing J.LP and sending Doom in. If you find that he's sending a beam assist out to take Doom out, hit the assist with the burrowing coil, followed by O.Strike. The biggest problem against Magneto would be if he had Storms Proj. assist. Her assist acts like a beam (a slow one) and she leaves before the whole thing can go across the screen, which makes it hard to punish her. If your opponent just happens to have her, try to drop Doom close to Mag, therefore, Storm will get hit before the typhoon. Doom- If he has BH as an assist, give BH a good O.Strike or Burrowing coil xx O.Strike. If Doom has CapCom, try to anticipate him then punish him. If your facing a rush down Doom, use the C.WP i'll beat out most of Doom's ground attacks. Spiral- Probably OR's best match up, he can break the WOS so easily with the burrowing coils, and Doom's AAA assist. If Spiral starts to do the WOS, use Doom's AAA so he can take a hit, and burrow the coil to hit Spiral. She'll soon find out that she can't stay in the corner and throw knifes, so if she rushes at you, use O.Strike, and then play her like you would play Magneto. If Spiral tries to teleport, give her an Omega Destroyer to think about, if you have no levels, do a O.Strike straight up, or where ever you think she'll appear. Strider/Doom- They, they are everyones bitch, not just Omega Red's but if you find Strider by himself, most of what he does is burrowing coil xx O.Strike'able. And a couple of those will kill him. Combo's and misc. Here's the fun part. COMBOS! Well, it's a shame that OR can't combo his supers, he can combo most of his specials. OR's ground chain's goes from weakest-to-strongest, so if your on the ground the most you can do is Wp, Mk, Hp, O.Strike. In the air OR has a great variety of options.. /\ Lp, Lk, Mp, xx Coil drain.. /\ Lp, Lk, Mp, Mk, Hp, Hk, /\ Lp, Lk, Mp, Mk, Hp, DF coil drain /\ Lp, Lk, Mp, Mk, throw. /\ Lp, Lk, Mp, f,f+wp, mp upward coil drain. And others! Your just going to have to experiment In the corner, you can combo 2 coil drains!! So here ya go.. /\ Lp, Lk, Mp, coil drain, throw in the corner, air dash, lp, mp, hp coil drain down. This combo is probably OR's most damaging, but it can only be done if OR's back is in the corner. Well this is the conclusion to my OR guide. Head on to to read up on more OR stuff. Right now I would like to give a shout out to Clockw0rk who gave me tips on fighting against top tiers, you da man!! Also to my Tampa people! Thanks for the great comp! And for bowing down to my Omega Red!! And everyone that at least TRIES to use Omega Red (right) before making jugdements on him, you guys are cool. If ya'll have any questions, feel free to post them. __________________ I use Omega Red because I am good with him, not because he's underrated.. Bushido HEAT. Last edited by BshidoHEAT on September 5th, 2001 at 05:31 PM IP: Logged Cycloid Beta Member Posts: 82 Registered: Jul 2001 Location: Posted: September 5th, 2001 06:59 PM Thanks for the good sh*t HEAT. Good guide and cool combos. I already knew the 2 coil drain combo but it's a different version: lp,mp,j.lp,,f+j.lp,,j.mpxxqcf+pp,tap p,throw to corner, dash+j.lp,,j.mpxxqcf+pp,tap p,throw to other corner There are many different ways to to performin just combo that's just my way. But thanks anyways, you were a great help.Well...I'm off to practice __________________ *beta* IP: Logged BshidoHEAT The Filipino Battousai Posts: 298 Registered: May 2001 Location: In orlando, taking classes at VCC (west) Posted: September 5th, 2001 11:59 PM Thanks for the props. I forgot to add, if you hit Cable with a O.Strike cancel it down QUICKLY, he can recover fast enough that he can AHVB you. Also if you cancel it down, your in good position against him. Don't forget, make him COME TO YOU!!! Also, if Cable starts to do that FPx3 trap, and BH or Storms assist, then grenade. The best way I know how to deal with it is to switch out, duck under the bullets then switch out. __________________ I use Omega Red because I am good with him, not because he's underrated.. Bushido HEAT. IP: Logged waldo98 Champion of UFC Posts: 404 Registered: Mar 2001 Location: Moreno Valley, Ca Posted: September 6th, 2001 01:00 AM Good Omega Red guide there BshidoHEAT. I've been messing around with Omega Red for a few weeks now and you basically answered some of my questions about him. The team that I currently use most often is OmegaRed/Doom/Storm. OR builds most of the meter, Doom uses meter in keepaway tactics and combos and storm can build her own meter by running away. __________________ AIM: WaLd098 My Car Pictures "Your ass is grass...cuz your gonna get smoked!" IP: Logged Cycloid Beta Member Posts: 82 Registered: Jul 2001 Location: Posted: September 6th, 2001 01:20 AM Just one more thing Heat, after practicing for a while on my DC I've experiment with practically everyone and the two best combinations for me are Omega/Bison/CapCom and Omega/Psylocke/Sentinal. I can't decide which one to chose cause they both seem to work so well for me so far. Here's why: team 1 follows your battery/user/assist combination. I've used my bison/Capcom combination before. And my illustrious team combo annoys my friends to no end:In corner-(Bison),,dash+lp,c.hp,j.lp,,,j.mkxxdouble knee pressxxPhysco crusher,,j.mkxxPhysco Crusher DHC Captain sword. A hard hiting combo but took a little while to get the hyper combo gauge filled up but since Omega fills up the bar more quickly than other characters I'm able to perform this combo alot moreObviously Omega's my battery, Bison is my user and CapCom is my assist AAA for those annoying players who do nothin but SJ. Team 2 sort of goes against the rules of your guide but is still great for omega's purpose. In this sort of team, omega's my battery/user, Psylocke is my flurry fighter(a term I use for those caracters who specialize in chain combos) and Sentinal is my power house, a protecter of sorts to protect psylocke and omega from those big hard hitting bullies(ex.BH or Juggs)just in case. Psylocke is one fast mama and can rushdown characters very well. Her AAA assist is great for setting up hyper combos like Omega Destroyer or Sentinal's Rocket punchxxHyper Sentinal Force...Sentinal is my Guage user and a hard hittin motherflo that can take down almost any character very quickly with his combos Now that you've noticed my strategy with both teams my question which would bet best suited for match ups against top teir teams. I know this sort of stuff depends on the player and he'she plays but it wouldn't hurt to get an opinion here or there. __________________ *beta* Last edited by Cycloid Beta on September 6th, 2001 at 01:22 AM IP: Logged BshidoHEAT The Filipino Battousai Posts: 298 Registered: May 2001 Location: In orlando, taking classes at VCC (west) Posted: September 6th, 2001 02:58 PM quote: Originally posted by Cycloid Beta Just one more thing Heat, after practicing for a while on my DC I've experiment with practically everyone and the two best combinations for me are Omega/Bison/CapCom and Omega/Psylocke/Sentinal. I can't decide which one to chose cause they both seem to work so well for me so far. Here's why: team 1 follows your battery/user/assist combination. I've used my bison/Capcom combination before. And my illustrious team combo annoys my friends to no end:In corner-(Bison),,dash+lp,c.hp,j.lp,,,j.mkxxdouble knee pressxxPhysco crusher,,j.mkxxPhysco Crusher DHC Captain sword. A hard hiting combo but took a little while to get the hyper combo gauge filled up but since Omega fills up the bar more quickly than other characters I'm able to perform this combo alot moreObviously Omega's my battery, Bison is my user and CapCom is my assist AAA for those annoying players who do nothin but SJ. Team 2 sort of goes against the rules of your guide but is still great for omega's purpose. In this sort of team, omega's my battery/user, Psylocke is my flurry fighter(a term I use for those caracters who specialize in chain combos) and Sentinal is my power house, a protecter of sorts to protect psylocke and omega from those big hard hitting bullies(ex.BH or Juggs)just in case. Psylocke is one fast mama and can rushdown characters very well. Her AAA assist is great for setting up hyper combos like Omega Destroyer or Sentinal's Rocket punchxxHyper Sentinal Force...Sentinal is my Guage user and a hard hittin motherflo that can take down almost any character very quickly with his combos Now that you've noticed my strategy with both teams my question which would bet best suited for match ups against top teir teams. I know this sort of stuff depends on the player and he'she plays but it wouldn't hurt to get an opinion here or there. Well, that's weird, I used to use that first team as well! Omega/Bison/CapCom! Well this team isn't going to do well against top tiers. Unless you have a Viscant (or better) type Bison. Bison, to me is the diet coke of Magnus, minus a triangle jump, but plus a teleport. I would suggest any other top tier other than Bison, because Bison is a pure rush down charater, without a tri-jump it's going to be hard for him to stay on top of his opponent and aviod AAA's. And if you can't catch your opponent, it's going to be hard for you to use those levels OR makes. But if you work on Bison alot, he is REALLY good, his teleport is one of the best ones in the game. (Can teleport in the air, to avoid guard breaks, that or he can Psyco Crusher, and it is also good for confusing) As for your second team, MAJOR problems against Blackheart with this team. Psylocks AAA won't stop his demon raining, neither will Sents Drones. And I don't think Sentinal has a chance against BH with Psy's AAA. To counter this, I suggest you take out Psy, and put in CapCom (AAA). Then switch your order to have Sentinal second, he's better with meter than CapCom is, then you can trap BH, and chip him to death with Stomps, CapCom, and HSF. But... I say, if your good enough with a charater, and you can beat top tiers with them, then USE THEM. And DON'T LET ANYONE TELL YOUR DIFFRENT!! If your Psylock can beat BH, then use her, if your Bison can beat Magnus, then use him. __________________ I use Omega Red because I am good with him, not because he's underrated.. Bushido HEAT. IP: Logged Cycloid Beta Member Posts: 82 Registered: Jul 2001 Location: Posted: September 6th, 2001 05:24 PM Aight, thanks again man __________________ *beta* IP: Logged ThunderForceGod I lead TF squad #222 Posts: 141 Registered: Apr 2001 Location: Albany,Or Posted: September 6th, 2001 09:27 PM You can Actually combo Omega Reds' Carbonadium Smash. It is one of those "Situation" Combos If you are cornered. Launch 3 hit chain-Stall,wp,mpj.Drain throw to the other side and VERY QUICKLY Carbonadium Smash. __________________ I am the one,true Strider. Anyone to disagree,face Cyphers' wrath!!!AHHHH! IP: Logged Cycloid Beta Member Posts: 82 Registered: Jul 2001 Location: Posted: September 7th, 2001 01:27 AM Hmmm...interesting, I should try that out. Thanks for the tips/combos you guys just keep em coming __________________ *beta* IP: Logged BshidoHEAT The Filipino Battousai Posts: 298 Registered: May 2001 Location: In orlando, taking classes at VCC (west) Posted: September 11th, 2001 07:25 PM quote: Originally posted by ThunderForceGod You can Actually combo Omega Reds' Carbonadium Smash. It is one of those "Situation" Combos If you are cornered. Launch 3 hit chain-Stall,wp,mpj.Drain throw to the other side and VERY QUICKLY Carbonadium Smash. Well, I didn't know that. I'll try that when I get home __________________ I use Omega Red because I am good with him, not because he's underrated.. Bushido HEAT. IP: Logged BshidoHEAT The Filipino Battousai Posts: 298 Registered: May 2001 Location: In orlando, taking classes at VCC (west) Posted: September 11th, 2001 07:49 PM quote: Originally posted by waldo98 Good Omega Red guide there BshidoHEAT. I've been messing around with Omega Red for a few weeks now and you basically answered some of my questions about him. The team that I currently use most often is OmegaRed/Doom/Storm. OR builds most of the meter, Doom uses meter in keepaway tactics and combos and storm can build her own meter by running away. Nice team, but I feel that Storm should go before Doom, so she can use his AAA to chip away with her Hail Storm. But use what you want, that is my saying, because you feel combfortable with it. __________________ I use Omega Red because I am good with him, not because he's underrated.. Bushido HEAT. IP: Logged mixup Bug'neto himself Posts: 666 Registered: May 2001 Location: North Florida Posted: September 11th, 2001 11:51 PM EXCELLENT guide Bshido! but one thing, magneto can dash over and kill OR after he does his omega destroyer. ESPECIALLY if he has psy's assist. __________________ each moment gives us an opportuninty to become somthing better than what we already are... IP: Logged CanMan Junior Member Posts: 2 Registered: Sep 2001 Location: Brooklyn Posted: September 12th, 2001 10:03 PM combo: s.lp,s.lp, SJ, lp, lp, lp, lp, QCF 2P, death factor/ energy drain then throw ( if close nuff to corner, air sadh ans super) __________________ ::2 EZ:: IP: Logged BshidoHEAT The Filipino Battousai Posts: 298 Registered: May 2001 Location: In orlando, taking classes at VCC (west) Posted: September 13th, 2001 03:14 PM quote: Originally posted by mixup EXCELLENT guide Bshido! but one thing, magneto can dash over and kill OR after he does his omega destroyer. ESPECIALLY if he has psy's assist. He can dash over it? Hm... it's quite possible, it hasn't happened to me though. Anyway, the only time I do the Omega Destroyer is to punish an assist. __________________ I use Omega Red because I am good with him, not because he's underrated.. Bushido HEAT. Last edited by BshidoHEAT on September 13th, 2001 at 03:22 PM IP: Logged waldo98 Champion of UFC Posts: 404 Registered: Mar 2001 Location: Moreno Valley, Ca Posted: September 13th, 2001 09:01 PM The only time I really use the Omega Destroyer is when I'm trying to punish their assits, chip off their life, or just to DHC it so I can switch out to a different character. If they try to airdash at a pretty low vertical range, the Omega Destroyer still hits them cuz the coils also go up. __________________ AIM: WaLd098 My Car Pictures "Your ass is grass...cuz your gonna get smoked!" IP: Logged All times are GMT. The time now is 11:15 PM. Forum Rules: You may post new threads. You may post replies. 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